Call for Papers The program committee of the Canadian Law and Society Association invites submissions for its Annual Conference to be held during the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Calgary. The theme for Congress 2016, “Energizing Communities,” provides an excellent opportunity for law and society scholars to explore law’s place in community building and the fostering of pluralistic relationships. We welcome proposals for papers in any area of Law and Society and socio-legal scholarship. We encourage participants to submit suggestions for complete panels and roundtables. Panel organizers should include the following in their submissions: a thematic overview of no more than 500 words, abstracts for each paper (250 words or less), a title for the panel, a one page CV for each presenter and a suggested chair or discussant. Individual submissions are most welcome and should include the following: a title, an abstract (250 words or less) and a one page CV. Please indicate in your submission if you are willing to serve as a panel chair. We are open to having a number of panels that focus on particular themes such as legal history, religious freedom, gender & sexuality, law & technology and indigenous legal knowledge. It may be helpful for presenters to know that the CLSA conference will overlap with the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers on May 30 & 31. There will be a number of events dedicated to graduate students. The conference keynote speaker will be Prof. John McLaren, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, who will deliver his address at the banquet on May 30. Professor McLaren served as the first Dean of the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law.
Where: University of Calgary, Calgary, AB When: May 28-30, 2016 Deadline: January 31, 2016 Submission information: Please forward panel and paper proposals by email attachment to Nicole O’Byrne, CLSA Vice-President (Conferences) at [email protected]. Please put your last name and the words “CLSA submission” in the subject line. Presenters must be members of the CLSA. They must also register for Congress and pay the Congress fees, including the society fee for the CLSA. Information about registration, accommodation and other Congress activities is available on the Congress website:
Final Program SATURDAY 28 MAY 2016 / SAMEDI 28 MAI 2016 Event of Note: Building A2SJ: An interdisciplinary Conversation about Problems and Solutions 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m-Murray Fraser Hall 2370. Interdisciplinary workshop on access to social justice, sponsored by the Faculties of Law and Social Work. To RSVP, click here For information, please contact Lyndsay Campbell, [email protected] (Unless otherwise specified, all CLSA events are held at Murray Fraser Hall.) Session 1: 8:30 am to 10:00 am / 8 h 30 – 10 h 00 1.a. Law, Equality and Pluralism (room 3370) Alana Klein (McGill University): Proportionality Analysis, Police and Prosecutorial Discretion, and the Distribution of the Health and Social Impacts of Criminal Law and Policy Dana Phillips (York University): Equality by Evidence: Contesting Law with Fact in Cases of Lived Social Difference Geoffrey Conrad (McGill University): Proportionality and Communities: Pluralizing the Culture of Justification Chair: Ken Leyton-Brown (Regina)
1.b. Law and Gender I (room 3340) Lori Stinson (University of Ottawa): Reframing Pornography Grace Tran (University of Toronto): Securing Borders, Securing States; Declaring Love, Declaring Selves: How Moments of Confrontation, Declaration and Identification at the Canadian Border Reproduce Circuits of Exclusion Qian Liu (University of Victoria): A Relational Analysis of Chinese Single Women’s Marital Choices Chair: Josephine Savarese (Saint Thomas University)
1.c. Law and Humanitarian Conflict (room 3330) Madalena Santos (Carleton University): The Missing and Dead in Transitional Justice (South African Case Study Rebecca Sutton (London School of Economics): How Law Shapes the Relationship between Humanitarian Actors and the Victims of Armed Conflict Katrin Roots (York University): Canada’s Shifting Understanding of Human Trafficking and the Expanding Reach of the Criminal Justice System Chair: Kyle Kirkup (University of Ottawa)
Coffee Break: 10:00 am to 10:30 am, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 10 h 00 – 10 h 30, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 2: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm / 10 h 30 – 12 h 00 2.a. Teaching Law and the Trinity Western Controversy (room 3370) Blair Major (McGill University): The Trinity Western University Law School Proposal – Considered as an Opportunity for Community Building Meredith Hagel (University of British Columbia): Who Should Decide? Freedom, Conflicting Authorities and Communities of Difference: The Law Society of British Columbia and Trinity Western University’s Proposed Law School David DesBaillets (University of Quebec in Montreal): Magna Carta at 800: Happy Birthday or Identity Crisis? Chair: Howard Kislowicz (University of New Brunswick)
2.b. Law, Insolvency and Freedom of Contract (room 3340) Anna Lund (University of Alberta): The Hard Case of the Bankrupt Gambler Alfonso Nocilla (University College London): Competing Visions of Corporate Insolvency Law Virginia Torrie (University of Manitoba): Farm Debt Compromises during the Great Depression Lulu Thomas-Hawthorne (University of South Africa): Constitutional Realisation of Substantive Freedom of Contract Chair: Irina Ceric (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
2.c. Law and Gender II (room 3330) Scharie Tavcer (Mount Royal University): Criminalization of non-disclosure of HIV/AIDS: A Chronological Review of Canadian Case Law concurrent with the Progression of Medical Knowledge and Advancements in Treatment Maciej Karpinski (University of Ottawa): The Structure of Equality Rights Law and its Effects on the Relational Self: An Empirical Evaluation Margaret Denike (Dalhousie University): Doesn’t Nature Matter? Sexual Difference and Evolutionary Thought in Contemporary Jurisprudence Chair: Tia Dafnos (University of New Brunswick)
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, lunch provided (room 3360) / Assemblée générale annuelle 12 h 00 – 13 h 30, déjeuner fourni (salle 3360)
Session 3: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm / 13 h 30 – 15 h 00 3.a. Law, Aboriginal Governance and Intellectual Property (room 3370) Neil Craik (Waterloo): Impact and Benefit Agreements as Private Governance Domains Aman Gebru (University of Toronto): A ‘Communal Bioprospecting Right’ for Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Medicinal Knowledge Chair: Lori Stinson (University of Ottawa)
3.b. Law and Environmental Regulation (room 3340) Temitope Tunbi Onifade (University of Calgary): Public Interest Regulation of Non-renewable Natural Resource Funds: A Comparative Analysis of the Alaska Permanent Fund, The Alberta Heritage Fund and the Government Pension Fund of Norway Rebecca Bromwich (Carleton University): Changing the Game: New Governance of Multinationals Rahina Zarma (University of Saskatchewan): The Role of African Regional Institutions in Enhancing Regulation of Transnational Corporations in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Chair: Maciej Karpinski (University of Ottawa)
3.c. Law and Disability (room 3330) Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey and Freya Kodar (University of Victoria): Responding to the Abuse of Persons with Disabilities in Institutions of Care in Canada: An Assessment of the Remedies Audra Ranalli and Bruce Ryder (York University): Undercompensating for Discrimination: An Empirical Study of General Damages Awards Issued by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, 2000-2015 Aloke Chatterjee (University of New Brunswick): Rethinking the Downside of Pursuing Disability Rights through Law Chair: Basil Alexander (Queen’s University)
Coffee Break: 3:00 pm to 3:15 pm, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 15 h 00 – 15 h 15, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 4: 3:15 pm to 5:00 pm / 15 h 15 – 17 h 00 4.a. Law, Queer Theory and Trans Discrimination (room 3370) Kyle Kirkup (University of Ottawa): Law and Order Queers: Respectability, Victimhood and the State Jan Buterman (University of Alberta): An Antecedent Obsession: On the utter wrongness of demanding legal names for trans student records Chair: Alana Klein (McGill University)
4.b. Recent Developments in Section 7 Charter Jurisprudence: Defining the Boundaries of Liberty in Canada (room 3340) Panel Discussion Joshua Sealey (Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP) Ola Malik (City of Calgary) Chair: Nicole O’Byrne (University of New Brunswick)
4.c. Rapey, Pornified and Prostituted? Dominant Discourses Revisited (room 3330) Ummni Khan (Carleton University): Confessions and Ruminations of a Rape-Culture Apologist Lara Karaian (Carleton University): Is “Revenge Porn” the Theory and the Practice? Brian Simpson (University of New England): Sexting by Minors: By Consent or by Right? Courtney Lockhart (Carleton University): “It’s happening here!” Anti-Trafficking Policy in the City of Ottawa – A Critical Analysis Chair: Lise Gotell (University of Alberta)
4.d. Determining Access – Working In and Around Law to Build and Support Indigenous Territorial Authority (room 3360) Nicole Schabus and Janna Promislow (Thompson Rivers University): Indigenous Governance – Opportunities In and Around the Law Brian Noble (Dalhousie University): Earth Conciliations: The Burgeoning Work of Indigenous Territorial Authority in Alliance with Settler Polities Arthur Manuel (Secwepemc Nation, INET): Logging to challenge provincial and Assert Indigenous Jurisdiction Sharon Mascher (University of Calgary): Intersections between Environmental Law and Indigenous Governance of Aboriginal Title Chris Albinati (York University): The Power to Speak the Law: Energizing Indigenous Communities to Take Back Control of their Lands
AWARDS RECEPTION: 5 pm to 7 pm, Faculty lounge, 4th floor / Réception de remise des prix: 17 h 00 – 19 h 00, Salle des professeurs, 4ème étage
SUNDAY 29 MAY 2016 / DIMANCHE 29 MAI 2016 Session 1: 8:15 am to 10:00 am / 8 h 15 – 10 h 00 5.a. International Law, Statelessness and Refugees (room 3370) Ruth Amir (Yezreel Valley College): Article II(e) of the UN Genocide Convention: Children as a Protected Group Amar Khoday (University of Manitoba): Rethinking Article 1F(a) and the Exclusion of Imperfect Soldiers Zaglul Haider (York University): Unwrapping De Facto Statelessness: Biharis in Bangladesh Chair: Julie Falck (York University)
5.b. Law and Policing I (room 3340) Thomas Bud (University of Windsor): The Rise of Police Body-Worn Camera Programs in Canada and the United States: A Tool for Accountability or an Extension of the Surveillant Assemblage? Tia Dafnos (University of New Brunswick): Securing the Nation-State: Emergency Management, Critical Infrastructure, and Supply Chains Jihyun Kwon, Erick Laming and Scot Wortley (University of Toronto): Blind Faith? Empirical Research and the Adoption of Body-Worn Cameras in Canadian Policing Jihyun Kwon, Ritualistic Reforms and Ceremonial Complaints: Revisiting the Evolution of Police Complaints System in Ontario Chair: David Wiseman (University of Ottawa)
5.c. Law and Aboriginal Peoples (room 3330) Tenille Brown (University of Ottawa): The Dreamcatcher “Spatial Heritage Database”: The Mississauga of the New Credit First Nation, Land Boundaries, Technological Innovation Josephine Savarese (Saint Thomas University): Analyzing Erasures and Resistance Involving Indigenous Women in New Brunswick John Kilwein (West Virginia University): Comparative Analysis of Parental Termination Cases in the Courts of Saskatchewan, Montana, and North Dakota Chair: Robert Hamilton (University of Victoria)
Coffee Break: 10:00 am to 10:30 am, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 10 h 00 – 10 h 30, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 2: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm / 10 h 30 – 12 h 00 6.a. Dementia, Law, and Aging: Hard Questions (room 3370) Helene Love (University of Toronto): Can the Law of Evidence Accommodate People with Dementia? Heather Campbell (University of Saskatchewan): Mind, Brain and Dementia: The Legal Consequences of Broad Definitions Margaret Isabel Hall (Thompson Rivers University): Dementia, Advance Directives, “Heroic Measures” and Physician Assisted Death: Autonomy, Identity, Person-hood and Equality Chair: Wendy Hulko (Thompson Rivers University)
6.b. Law, Citzenship and the State (room 3360) Doris Buss (Carleton University): Sexual Violence and ‘Conflict’ Minerals: Dis/ordering Insecurity Giancarlo Fiorella (University of Toronto): ‘Guarimba’: Law and Citizenship at the Barricades in the 2014 Venezuela Protests Miriam Zucker (University of Toronto): The Case of Women in Polygamous Marriages among the Bedouin Minority in Israel and the Question of State Intervention into Controversial Cultural Practices within the Family Chair: Ken Leyton-Brown (University of Regina)
6.c. Law, Sentencing and Corrections (room 3340) Janice Paskey (Mount Royal University): Creative Sentencing in Alberta: Benefitting Society through Community Projects Adelina Iftene (Queen’s University): Double-Vulnerability: Mentally Ill Seniors in Canadian Penitentiaries Qi Kong (University of Victoria): Current Community Corrections in China: A Comparative View Joanne Minaker (MacEwan University): Confronting Rape: From Tropes on Sexual Violence to Law’s Treatment of Sexual Assault Chair: Anna Lund (University of Alberta)
6.d. Modern and Humane? Debates About Punishment in Canadian Legal History (room 3330) Ted McCoy (University of Calgary): Punishment and Mental Illness in the Early Modern Penitentiary Aaron Henry (University of Alberta): “The Long Drop”: Capital Punishment and Pacification (1860 – Present) Jean-Phillipe Crete (University of Alberta): Framework for the Canadian Exceptionalism? Exploring the Rise of Penology in Canada (1880-1960) Discussants: Frank Stahnisch (University of Calgary) Ema Kurbegovic (University of Calgary
BOARD MEETING, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (room 3320) / Réunion du Conseil, 12 h 00 – 13 h 30 (salle 3320) (Lunch on your own / Dîner libre)
Session 3: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm / 13 h 30 – 15 h 00
7.a. Law and History (room 3370) Bruce Ryder (York University): Canadianizing Hollywood: Provincial Film Censor Boards and the Production Code, 1929-1934 Ken Leyton-Brown (University of Regina): The Chinese Immigration Act: Implications for Chinese Immigrants in Early Saskatchewan Nicole O’Byrne (University of New Brunswick): ‘A game of jurisdictional football?’: Métis-State relations in Saskatchewan during the Great Depression and WWII Chair: Hilary Young (University of New Brunswick)
7.b. Law, Treaties and Honour of the Crown (room 3360) Neil Vallance (University of Victoria): Exploring the Content of the Historic ‘sharing treaties’ between First Nations and the Crown Andie Palmer (University of Alberta): Revisiting Ex Parte Indian Association of Alberta: Does the Mutua (Mau Mau) Decision Create a New Path to Honourable Crown Relations with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand Julie Falck (York University): Agreeing to Disagree: Indigenous Land Rights and Agreement-Making in Australia Chair: Jennifer Raso (University of Toronto)
7.c. Law and Policing II (room 3340) Mariful Alam (York University): Infiltrating Dissent: Law, Governance and Covert Surveillance of Canadian Political Dissent Erick Laming (University of Toronto): Police Use of Force Research in Canada: Limitations and Challenges Amanda Glasbeek, Mariful Alam, Katrin Roots (York University): Narrowing the View: A Critical Analysis of Police Body Worn Cameras Chair: Thomas McMorrow (University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
7.d Law and Access to Justice (room 3330) Richard Hartley (University of Texas): The Unmet Civil Legal Needs of Low Income Households in Texas Charis Kamphuis (Thompson Rivers University): Indigenous Dispossession in the Global Economy: Law’s Promises and Pitfalls David Wiseman (University of Ottawa): Framing Refugee Case File Analysis: Towards a Social Context Conception of Access to Justice Chair: Sara Ross (York University)
Coffee Break: 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 15 h 00 – 15 h 30, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 4: 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm / 15 h 30 – 17 h 00 8.a. Law and the Profession (room 3370) Agnieszka Doll (University of Victoria): “Working for Free” or “Money for Nothing”?: Unveiling the Social Organization of Legal Aid Lawyering in the Context of Psychiatric Involuntary Admission Cases in Poland Basil Alexander (Queen’s University): Ideals vs. Reality: Comparing Civil Litigation Principles, Litigant Contexts, and Lawyers’ Duties Irina Ceric (Kwantlen Polytechnic University): Progressive Lawyering by Non-Lawyers: The Politics and Praxis of Law and Organizing David Sandomierski (University of Toronto): Lineages and Path Dependency in Legal Education Chair: Ted McCoy (University of Calgary)
8.b. Aboriginal Law and Sovereignty (room 3360) Karen Drake (Lakehead University): A Liberal Defence: Aboriginal Rights and the Legitimacy of Crown Sovereignty Thomas McMorrow (University of Ontario Institute of Technology): Heavy the Head that Wears the Crown, Heavier those that Don’t? Robert Hamilton (University of Victoria): Dispossession by Legislation: New Brunswick’s 1844 ‘Act for the Management and Disposal of Unused Indian Reserve Lands in This Province’ Brad Morse (Thompson Rivers University): So What Will the SCC decision in Daniels v. The Queen really mean? Chair: Amy Barrington (Maurice Law)
8.c. Law and Religious Freedom (room 3340) Brian Bird (McGill University): Examination of Conscience: Disentangling Conscience from Religion in the Charter Howard Kislowicz (University of New Brunswick): Judging Religion and Judges’ Religions Hilary Young (University of New Brunswick): Physician Conscientious Objection after Rasouli Chair/Discussant: Ben Berger (York University)
8.d. Electronic Monitoring of Forensic Mental Health Patients: Risks, Benefits, and Lawfulness (room 3330) Elaine Gibson, Constance MacIntosh and Sheila Wildeman (Dalhousie University): Paper One: Criminal Code and Administrative Law Aspects of Electronic Monitoring of Forensic Mental Health Patients Paper Two: Charter and Human Rights Code Considerations that are Engaged by Electronic Monitoring of Forensic Mental Health Patients Discussant: Glen Luther (University of Saskatchewan)
Graduate Student Social Event – The Den, MacEwan Hall (University of Calgary student centre), 8-11 pm. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Activité sociale des étudiants diplômés - The Den, édifice MacEwan Hall (centre étudiant de l'Université de Calgary), 20 h à 23 h. Veuillez confirmer votre présence à [email protected]
MONDAY 30 MAY 2016 / LUNDI 30 MAI 2016 [Overlap day with Canadian Association of Law Teachers / Journée d’activités conjointes avec l'Association canadienne des professeurs de droit] Session 1: 9.a. CLSA/CALT Graduate Student Methods and Approaches Café (Joint session with CALT) (8:15 am to 11:00 am, breakfast provided in 3rd floor lounge) (rooms 2370, 3342 and 3332) / Étudiants diplômés de l'ACDS/ACPD : Café-rencontre portant sur la méthodologie et l'approche (séance conjointe avec ACPD) (8 h 15 à 11 h 00, déjeuner offert au Salon du 3e étage) (salle 2370, 3342 et 3332)
9.b. Socio-Legal and Historical Scholarship: Digital Opportunities and Challenges (8:30 am to 10:30 am) (room 3370) This panel will be composed of two short workshops on the possibilities offered by digitization in socio-legal and historical research and teaching, accompanied by a virtual “poster” session. Participants include Mary Hemmings, Carolyn Strange, Lori Chambers, Andy Kaladelfos, Nicole O’Byrne, Ian Holloway, Simon Devereaux, Ian Milligan, and John Lutz. Workshop One: Digitized Sources for Socio-Legal and Historical Research and Teaching: What’s New? Workshop Two: Digital Projects in Socio-Legal and Historical Research: What’s New?
9.c. Law and Technology (9:00 am to 10:30 am) (room 3340) Nir Harrel (University of Ottawa): A Socio-legal Theory of the Regulatory Drift to Market Eugenics Mike Zajko (University of Alberta): Internet Service Providers as Privacy Custodians Greg Hagen (University of Calgary): Technological Neutrality, Reproduction and Interpretation Derek McKee (Université de Sherbrooke): Airbnb and Uber: The Structure of Policy Argument Chair: Derek McKee
Coffee break: 10:30 to 11:00 am, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 10 h 30 – 11 h 00, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 2: Plenary Panel 11:00 am to 1:00 pm / Session plénière 11 h 00 – 13 h 00
10. Implementing Recommendations #27 and #28 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report Speakers: Larry Chartrand (University of Ottawa), Aimée Craft (Manitoba), Sarah Morales (Ottawa), Karen Drake (Lakehead), Rebecca Johnson & Gillian Calder (University of Victoria)
LUNCH: 1:00 to 2:00 pm, Student lounge, 3rd floor (sponsored by Faculty of Law) / déjeuner: 13 h 00 – 14 h 00, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage (fourni par la Faculté de droit).
Special Joint Session with the Canadian Historical Assocation / Réunion spéciale conjointe avec la Société historique canadienne 1:00 to 2:30 pm Crime and Violence in Early Modern England (Science A-15) Louis A. Knafla (University of Calgary): Inter-personal Violence: The Way of the World in Late Elizabethan England Ken MacMillan and Melissa Glass (University of Calgary): Most Cruell and Bloody Murther: Crime Reporting in Early-Stuart England Andrea McKenzie (University of Victoria): ‘His Barbarous Usages’, Her ‘Evil Tongue:’ Spouse Murder and Exculpatory Narratives at the Old Bailey, 1674-1790 Chair: Simon Devereaux (University of Victoria)
Session 3: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm / 14 h 00 – 15 h 30 11.a. Sexual Offending Against Children: Digital Historical Perspectives (room 3370) Participants: Lori Chambers (Lakehead University); Andy Kaladelfos (Griffith University); Carolyn Strange (Australian National University) Chair/Discussant: Lyndsay Campbell (University of Calgary)
11.b. Law and the Welfare State (room 3340) Kerri Scheer (University of Toronto): Legal Remedy at Arm’s Length: A Case Study of the Canadian Health Professions’ Disciplinary Tribunals Poland Lai (York University): Regulation Matters: Quality of Care in Long Term Care Homes in Ontario Jennifer Raso (University of Toronto): Navigating the ‘Grey Area’: Administrative Discretion as Collective and Negotiated Chair: Mike Zajko (University of Alberta)
11.c. Law, Condominiums and Banking Regulation (room 3330) Randy Lippert (University of Windsor), Stefan Treffers (York University), Thomas Bud (University of Windsor): Condominium Crime and Regulation: Classification and the Prospects of Discovering the Unusual Suspects through Law Reform Elizabeth Toomey (University of Canterbury): Does your Condominium Need Replacement or Repair? The New Zealand Experience Chair: David Sandomierski (University of Toronto)
Coffee Break: 3:30 pm to 3:45 pm, Student Lounge, 3rd floor / Pause-santé: 15 h 30 – 15 h 45, Salle des étudiants, 3ème étage
Session 4: 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm / 15 h 45 – 17 h 00 12.a. Law and Municipal Governance (room 3370) Alexandra Flynn (York University): Messy Governance: (Re)Creating Boundary Lines in Toronto Sara Ross (York University): Community Subcultural Wealth: Energizing and Preserving Subcultural Music Communities Through the Agent of Change Principle Graham Hudson (Ryerson University): Citizenship, Belonging, and the Sanctuary City Movement in Toronto Ola Malik (City of Calgary): Homeless Rights and the Use of Public Space: On a Collision Course? Chair: Maura Matesic (York University)
12.b. Parents, Children and the Law in Canada: Historical Perspectives (room 3340) Eric Reiter (Concordia University): Paternal Authority, Opposition to Marriage, and Family Honour Peter Gossage (Concordia University): “Il n’a pu empêcher le fait qui a causé le dommage”: Fathers, Sons, and Civil Damages in Quebec, 1920-1960 Lori Chambers (Lakehead University): What Makes a Man a Father in Canadian Law? Chair: Robert Rutherdale (Algoma University)
BANQUET Enmax Conservatory, Calgary Zoo Drinks 6 pm, Dinner 7 / “5 à 7” 18 h 00, Dîner 19 h 00 Guest speaker: John P.S. McLaren / Conférencier: John P.S. McLaren. "Empires, Colonies and Legacies: Widening the Lens of Law and History"
Getting there by LRT: The easiest way to get to the zoo is by LRT (aka “CTrain”). Calgary has two LRT lines, which overlap and ultimately cross on 7th Avenue SW, downtown. You board the north-south LRT line either at the University Station or at Banff Trail (if you’re leaving from Motel Village) and travel south (toward Somerset-Bridlewood) until you cross the Bow River and enter the fare-free zone on 7th Avenue. Get out at one of the platforms on 7th Avenue and wait for the next east-west train bound for Saddletowne. Get off at the zoo station and follow the signs to the main entrance. Of course, if you are starting from downtown, simply take an eastbound train toward Saddletowne, get off at the zoo and follow the signs. Tickets are bought at machines on or near the station platforms. Quite likely no one will ask you for a ticket, but inspectors do pass through the trains from time to time. Returning: Head west on a train bound for 69th Street. Unless you’re staying downtown, transfer on 7th Avenue to a train bound for Tuscany and get off at Banff Trail or the University station. This is the CTrain map:
Driving: If you are driving, go south on University Drive or Crowchild Trail to Memorial Drive. Take Memorial Drive east to the Zoo exit, St. George’s Drive / 12th St. NE. Follow the signs to the parking lots, which are north of Memorial Drive. The Zoo entrance is at the south end of the parking lot. It is a pleasant but not inconsiderable walk (allow ten or fifteen minutes) from the main gates of the Zoo to the dinner venue. If you have mobility issues and will need to park close to the venue, please contact Lyndsay Campbell ([email protected]), and she will arrange parking at a smaller lot much closer to the dinner venue. The road across St. George’s Island, where the Zoo is, is closed for construction of a berm (to protect the Zoo against future floods), so you will need separate instructions to this lot.
At the Zoo: Your dinner ticket includes the price of admission to the Zoo. If you arrive early, you are welcome to stroll around and enjoy the animals. Since the grounds close at 6 pm, security will begin herding you toward the Enmax Conservatory at that time, where you will be able to find wine. If you arrive after 6 pm, announce your destination to the people at the gate, and they will send you on your way. If you arrive after 7:15, press the button on the intercom to the left of the main gate to reach security, and they will send help. But don’t be that late, because we will have eaten a good portion of the food. You walk south from the main gates toward the river and the island. (Don’t go into the North American exhibit or the Prehistoric Park.) You cross a bridge and head for more or less the centre of the island. You may possibly pass gorillas or flamingoes. The attached map is somewhat peculiar, in that you must imagine that the two dock-like things are actually connected into a bridge. The Enmax Conservatory is number 5 on the map, and the pavillion part of it, where our event will be, is circled.
Pour vous rendre par le SLR : Le moyen le plus facile pour se rendre au zoo est en utilisant le SLR (train léger, “CTrain”). Le SLR de Calgary a deux lignes, qui se chevauchent et, en fin de compte, se croisent à la 7th Avenue SW, au centre-ville. Vous devez prendre la ligne nord-sud, soit à la Université Station ou à Banff Trail (si vous quittez de Motel Village) et vous diriger en direction sud (vers Somerset-Bridlewood) jusqu'à ce que vous traversiez la rivière Bow (Bow River) et franchissiez la zone de transit sans frais à la 7th Avenue. Sortez à l'une des plates-formes de la 7th Avenue et attendez le prochain train est-ouest à destination de Saddletowne. Descendez à l'arrêt du zoo et suivez les panneaux vers l'entrée principale. Évidemment, si vous partez du centre-ville, il suffit de prendre un train vers l'est en direction de Saddletowne, de descendre au zoo et de suivre les panneaux. Vous pouvez vous procurer des billets aux machines situées sur les plates-formes, ou à proximité de celles-ci. Il est fort probable que personne ne vous demandera pour votre billet, mais les inspecteurs vérifient les trains de temps en temps. Retour : Dirigez-vous vers l'ouest sur un train à destination de 69th Street. Sauf si vous séjournez au centre-ville, veuillez effectuer un transfert à la 7th Avenue en prenant un train à destination de Tuscany et descendez à Banff Trail ou la University Station. Voici la carte du CTrain :
En voiture : Si vous êtes en voiture, allez vers le sud sur la University Drive ou Crowchild Trail jusqu'à Memorial Drive. Veuillez prendre Memorial Drive est jusqu'à la sortie du zoo, “St. George’s Drive / 12th St. NE.” Suivez les panneaux vers les stationnements, qui sont situés au nord de Memorial Drive. L'entrée du Zoo est à l'extrémité sud du stationnement. La marche partant des portes principales du Zoo jusqu'au lieu du souper est agréable, mais considérable (veuillez allouer de dix à quinze minutes). Si vous avez des problèmes de mobilité et avez besoin d'un stationnement à proximité de l'endroit, veuillez communiquer avec Lyndsay Campbell ([email protected]), et elle organisera votre stationnement dans un lieu plus petit et beaucoup plus près du lieu du repas. La route qui passe à travers la St. George's Island, où est situé le Zoo, est fermée en raison de la construction d'une berme (pour protéger le Zoo des inondations), donc vous devez prendre un itinéraire différent pour ce stationnement.
Au Zoo : Votre billet pour le souper comprend le prix d'entrée au Zoo. Si vous arrivez tôt, sentez-vous à l'aise de vous promenez et d'aller voir les animaux. Puisque les lieux ferment à 18 h, le service de sécurité commencera à vous diriger vers l'Enmax Conservatory, où vous trouverez le vin. Si vous arrivez après 18 h, veuillez aviser les gens à la porte de votre destination et ils vous dirigeront dans la bonne direction. Si vous arrivez après 19 h 15, appuyez sur le bouton de l'interphone à gauche de la porte principale pour parler au service de sécurité, et ils enverront quelqu'un. Mais ne soyez pas en retard, car nous aurons mangé une bonne partie de la nourriture. Vous devez marcher vers le sud à partir des portes principales vers la rivière et l'île. (N'allez pas vers la North American exhibit ni le Prehistoric Park.) Traversez le pont et dirigez-vous plus ou moins vers le centre de l'île. Il se peut que vous passiez devant des gorilles ou des flamants roses. La carte ci-jointe est quelque peu étrange, car vous devez imaginer que les deux choses qui ressemblent à un quai sont effectivement reliées à un pont. Sur la carte, l'Enmax Conservatory est identifié par le numéro 5, et son pavillon, où notre événement a lieu, est encerclé.