The midwinter board meeting of the Canadian Law and Society Association is planned for the late afternoon of January 27, 2018. It will follow the "Technologies of Justice" Conference organized by the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa. The deadline for proposals was Friday, October 6th, 2017, and the call for papers is HERE.
The conference website is HERE (click on "Itinerary" to find the draft program).This is a link to the recording on youtube of the plenary panel:
Final program:
PRE-CONFERENCE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 Bordessa Hall, 55 Bond Street East, Room 524 1:30 pm - Early Bird Registration 1:30 - 6:30 pm - Addressing Climate Change: Law, Technology and Environmental Ethics (Organized by the Earth Systems Governance Representations of and Rights for the Environment Workgroup (ESGRREW)) Speakers:
Deborah McGregor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Sarah Burch, University of Waterloo
Daniel Hoornweg, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Sandy Lamalle, Loyola Sustainability Research Centre
Andrea Slane, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Peter Stoett, Dean, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Robert Bailey, President and Vice Chancellor (interim), University of Ontario Institute of Technology
7:00 pm - Dinner
DAY ONE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 61 Charles Street Building, 2nd floor 8:30 - 9 am - Registration 9-9:30 am - Welcome 9:30 - 11 am - Sessions: Panel A (Room 220): Law, Process, and Indigenous Rights
Natalie Oman and Nelcy Lopez-Cuellar, “The Implications of the Indigenous Right of Physical and Cultural Survival for Free, Prior and Informed Consent
Daniel Huizenga, “‘Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)’ and Living Law in South Africa: Neoliberal Technologies and the Limits of Governmentality”
Jill Stauffer, “Can Law be Fair to Delgamuukw? On Legal Violence and Temporal Resistance”
Chair: Thomas McMorrow
Panel B (Room 217): Surveillance, Privacy and Security in the Digital Era
Irma Spahiu, “Is Technology Turning Against Us?: The Case of the Right of Privacy”
Michael Mopas, “Hearing Voices: Sound, Technology, and Expert Listening in the Legal Arena”
Joanne Prince, “Hanging Up on Fearon: Cell-phone Privacy and the Supreme Court”
Chair: Andrea Slane
11 - 11:15 am - Coffee Break 11:15 am - 12:45 pm - Sessions: Panel A (Room 220): The State’s Role in the Lives of Children and Families
Preet Kaur, “Multicultural Accommodation and Ontario Family Law: Navigating Forums, Actors and Transnational Marriage Breakdown”
Lori Chambers, “The Historical Development of Children’s Right to Protection from Harm in Canada”
Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, “Child Welfare, Parenting by the Corporate State and the Children who Stay at Home”
Rachel Ariss, “Documenting Birth: Parentage and Surrogacy in Ontario New Birth Registration Forms”
Chair: Lyndsay Campbell
Panel B (Room 217): Data Mining and Justice Outcomes
Antwi Boasiako Frimpong, “EAccess to Justice and the Digital Divide: A Framework for Analysis”
Patricia Cochran and Freya Kodar, “Automated Decision-making and Relational Justice: Credit and Justice for Low-income People”
Joseph Lehnert, “Humanitarian Governance in the Age of Big Data: A Political History of Social Science Methods, Law and Humanitarianism”
Cristie Ford, “Does ‘Justice’ Mean ‘Just Outcomes’ or ‘Just Reasoning’?”
Chair: Shauna Labman
12:45 - 1:45 pm - Lunch 12:45 - 1:45 pm - Lunch concurrent film screening: Inaakonigewin Andaada Aki: Michi Saagiig Treaties (Room 217) 1:45 - 3:15 pm - Sessions: Panel A (Room 217): Technology on Trial? Exploring the Use and Misuse of Evidence
Rashmee Singh and Dawn Moore, “The Role of Photographic Evidence of Victim Injuries in Cases of Interpersonal Assault”
Caroline Erentzen, Regina A. Schuller, and Kimberley A. Clow, “Agents of Change: Post-Conviction DNA Testing and the Innocence Revolution”
Victoria Hall, Rosemary Ricciardelli and Kimberley A. Clow, “Student Reactions to Exonerees: Differing Perceptions Regarding DNA Evidence, Mistaken Eyewitnesses, and False Confessions”
Cecilia Hageman and Dawn Cohen, “The Use of Expert Forensic DNA Testimony in Ontario Criminal Trial Courts”
Margaret Martin, “The Use Of Novel fMRI Technology To Detect Covert Awareness: A Case Study”
Chair: Kelly Gallagher-Mackay
Panel B (Room 220): Ways of Doing and Knowing Law
Sara Ross, “Pursuing Justice in the Shadows of the Virtual: Online Gathering Spaces and Socio-legal Research Methodologies”
Ung Shen Goh, “Branding Justice: How the Canadian Trademarks Database can address Linguistic Inequalities”
Julie Falck, “Visualizing Native Title: Methods for Mapping, Measuring, and Making Meaning”
Lyndsay Campbell, “Courts, Assemblies and Privilege: Individual Rights in the Colonies in the early Nineteenth Century”
Chair: Lori Chambers
3:15 - 3:30 pm - Coffee Break 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Sessions: Panel A (Room 220): Social Media, Democracy, Communication and Governmentality
Tanner Mirrlees, “Social Media Technologies and Social Justice: The Case of Facebook”
Helene Wheeler, “Not So Innocent Bystanders: Revisiting Bystander Liability in the Age of Social Media”
Giancarlo Fiorella, “The Legalization of Electoral Fraud in Venezuela”
Chair: Cristie Ford
Panel B (Room 217): People and Food: Intersections of Law, Politics, Technology and Culture
Shauna Labman, “Celebrity Refugees: Telling of Trauma and Celebrating Success”
Angela Lee, “The New Frontiers of Flesh Food”
Lara Tessaro, “‘At Some Loss as to the Precise Object you have in Mind’: Enacting Estrogenic Substances with Canada’s Food and Drugs Act, 1939-1944”
Chair: Jen Rinaldi
EVENING PLENARY PANEL AND RECEPTION The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 72 Queen Street, Civic Centre 5 - 5:30 pm - Arrive at Robert McLaughlin Gallery 5:30 - 7:30 pm - Treaties as Technologies of Justice Welcome:
Rick Bourque, Traditional Knowledge Keeper
The Debwewin Sisters, Jamie Kozlinsky and Jill Thompson
Robert Bailey, President and Vice Chancellor (interim)
John Henry, Mayor, City of Oshawa
Lyndsay Campbell, President, Canadian Law and Society Association
Artistic Performance: Vanessa Dion Fletcher Plenary Panel: Treaties as Technologies of Justice?
Bringing together thinkers from across the country, this panel addresses the question of what it means to see “treaties as technologies of justice.” The historical record of Crown-Indigenous relations may suggest the contrary—that if anything, treaties have been used and abused as tools of dispossession and oppression. Panelists will discuss a range of subjects, including differences between viewing treaties as sacred relationships, as opposed to merely instruments of governance. The purpose of this panel is to present a range of perspectives that centre Indigenous laws and just inter-societal socio-legal relationships.
Michael Coyle, University of Western Ontario
Karen Drake, Osgoode Hall Law School
Johnny Mack, University of British Columbia
Anne Taylor, Curve Lake Cultural Centre
Chair: Natalie Oman
7:30 - 9 pm - Reception
DAY TWO: SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 61 Charles Street Building, 2nd floor 9:30 - 11 am - Sessions: Panel A (Room 220): eAccess to Justice
Jane Bailey, “Fundamental Values in a Technologized Ageof Efficiency”
Jacquie Burkell, “Troubling the Technological Imperative: Views on Responsible Implementation of Court Technologies”
Fabien Gélinas, “Continuity and Technological Change in Justice Delivery”
Chair: Faisal Babha
Panel B (Room 217): Technologies of Sexual (in)Justice roundtable
Brenda Cossman, Mercedes Cavallo, Daniel Del Gobbo, Ido Katri, Megan Ross, Luke Taylor
11 - 11:15 am - Coffee Break 11:15 - 12:45 pm - Sessions: Panel A (Room 220): Legal Education
David Sandomierski, “The Failure to Operationalize: The Imperfect Realization of Canadian Contract Law Professors’ Capacious Aspirations for Legal Education“
Thomas McMorrow, “Querying The Idea of a Canon for Legal Studies in Canada”
Faisal Bhabha, “Lawyer as Curator” Chair: Bruce Curran
Panel B (Room 217): Criminalized Sexuality and Surveillance
Margaret Poitras and Emily Snyder, HIV Non-Disclosure and Canadian Law: Impacts on Indigenous People in Regina
Alexander McClelland, ‘To Label Someone a Sex Offender, You Know, That’s for Life’: Lived Experiences of People Classified as Risks to Public Safety Under Community Technologies of Surveillance
Annie Bunting, “Making Sense of Child, Early and Forced Marriage Among Syrian Refugee Girls: A Mixed Methods Study in Lebanon”
Chair: Rashmee Singh
12:45 - 2:15 pm - Lunch and Plenary Panel (Room 219) Technology and Work: Justice Boom or Fissuring Bane?
Bruce Curran, “The Use of Technology to Find Solutions to Delay in Grievance Arbitration”
Tingting Zhang, “Using Twitter Accounts to Predict Union Influence Online and Offline”
Brad James, “The Use of Technology in Union Organizing”
Brendan Sweeney, “The Impact of Technology on the Canadian Automotive Sector”
Chair: Rachel Ariss
2:15 - 3:45 pm - Sessions: Panel A (Room 217): Immigration and Refugee Law Issues Under the Microscope
Hilary Evans Cameron, “‘The Top 5 Ways to Spot a Liar’: Refugee Status Decision-making and the Science of Lie Detection”
Kristin Marshall, “Improving Refugee Law Services in Ontario: Lessons Learned from Mentorship Program”
Stephanie Silverman, “The Dog-Whistle Politics of Immigration Detention”
Dagmar Soennecken and Chris Anderson, “Litigating against Harper: Refugee Advocates in the Courts”
Joao Velloso, “Interculturality and Legal Innovation: Establishing Marital Status During Sponsorship Appeals at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Chair: Sasha Baglay
Panel B (Room 220): Violent Custodial Logics
Morgan Rowe, “‘Insufficient Evidence’: Surveillance, Exposure, and the Medicalization of Disability Identity in Ontario Human Rights Law”
C. Tess Sheldon, “On Institutional Violence”
Jen Rinaldi and Kate Rossiter, “The Institutional Cases: Defining the Conditions for Moral Abdication”
Chair: Bruce Ryder
2:15 - 4 pm - Canadian Journal of Law and Society editorial board meeting Bordessa Hall, 55 Bond Street East, Room 524 4 - 7 pm - Canadian Law and Society Association and Canadian Journal of Law and Society meetings and business Bordessa Hall, 55 Bond Street East, Room 524 7 pm - Dinner