For thousands of years the place where the City of Toronto is located has been a crossroads where many peoples have met and had fruitful exchanges. According to some Indigenous knowledge keepers, the word “Toronto” comes from the Wendat term for a fishing weir constructed of sticks standing in the water. Lake and river fishing has been an important activity for the area’s many Indigenous peoples, including Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Mississauga and Chippewa. The Indigenous knowledge frameworks and laws of the peoples of this area encourage a multilayered understanding of an item such as a fishing weir in terms of its natural, sacred, practical and social meanings. The area continues to be home to many Indigenous people from all over Canada and beyond, but Toronto has also been shaped by immigration flows from many parts of the world, with about half of its current residents being born outside of Canada. The Law and Society Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association hope that our joint meeting in Toronto will be creative and fruitful, in keeping with the traditional use of this land as a gathering place, and that visitors to the area will take the opportunity to make new connections not only with one another but also with diverse local communities.
The deadline for submissions has now passed, and the online session planner is available here ( You may also download the app on Apple or Android. An Excel spreadsheet showing sessions containing CLSA members is attached HERE. Please advise of errors or omissions ([email protected]). Papers related to the history of legal education appear in the "Beyond Harvard" attachment.
Registration: Registration is open, through the LSA's website at Regular and emeritus members of the CLSA are entitled to a discount on registration, as are regular members of the LSA. If you are a member of the LSA, the system will recognize you, and you will not need a discount code, but if you are only a member of the CLSA, please email [email protected] to acquire your discount code. There is no discount for student members of either organization, but student members of the CLSA are eligible for travel funding. Please email [email protected]for more information.
Annual General Meeting: The annual general meeting of the association will be held on Thursday, June 7 from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm in the VIP Room at the Sheraton. If you do a text search for "annual general meeting" in the online program search box, you will find it. All members are welcome.
Childcare: A subsidy of up to $350 CAD for the cost of childcare may be available for CLSA members who are registered presenters, chairs or participants at the main conference and/or the francophone workshop. Only one parent of a child or children may apply for a grant. Applications must be made by May 1. If the CLSA receives more claims on its funding than it has available, preference may be given to early career applicants or those with lower incomes.
Allowable expenses:
Daycare expenses in Toronto
Extra daycare expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver was attending the meeting (for example, overtime at a daycare centre, cost of a sitter for extended hours, etc.)
Expenses incurred in bringing a babysitter (or family member acting as caregiver) to the meeting or to your home to care for the child
Non-allowable expenses:
Meals, on-site transportation, tickets to museums or attractions in Toronto; routine child-care expenses (nanny, babysitter, after-school care) not related to the applicant's attendance at the conference
Child-care funds cannot be used to fund travel or other expenses related to the attendee's own participation in the meeting (including meeting registration or other expenses the attendee would already be incurring by attending the meeting)
Funds cannot be used for travel expenses for the child or children to the conference
Reimbursement may be requested for eligible expenses up to the maximum amount of the grant. Expenses in excess of the award amount must be borne by the individual participant. Each applicant must submit a claim and receipts to [email protected] before July 31. Applicants are not eligible for reimbursement of expenses that are being covered from other sources. The CLSA makes no recommendations regarding childcare options in Toronto.
Junior Scholars Workshop
The Law and Society Association is pleased to announce our Junior Scholar Workshop will begin mid-day on Tuesday, June 5, and continue through the day on Wednesday, June 6, 2018. The workshop immediately precedes the 2018 joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We invite applications from junior scholars in any field whose scholarly interests involve socio-legal studies. Specifically, we welcome applications from graduate students (including advanced law students), post-doctoral fellows, and assistant professors (or other pre-tenure faculty). The program will consist of panel presentations on professional development topics, breakout sessions to discuss participant’s research in small groups, and informal discussions over shared meals. The goals are to build intellectual community among the emerging next generation of Law and Society scholars, to foster collegial networks between junior scholars, and to promote constructive dialogue among participants and workshop facilitators about junior scholars’ individual research projects. Previously, the Junior Scholars Workshop entailed separate Graduate Student Workshop and Early Career Workshop. Recognizing the continuity in challenges and opportunities facing graduate students and early career scholars, as well as the importance of encouraging connections across ranks, this year, we have combined these workshops into one workshop in which a range of junior scholars can learn and discuss together.
Note that an individual student may only participate in two workshops during his/her graduate career and two workshops during his/her early career. For those not reimbursed by their home institution for airfare and lodging expenses, LSA will offer up to $300 for participants traveling from within North America, and $650 for participants traveling from outside North America, (regardless of institutional location), toward the costs of attending the workshop. Membership in LSA or CLSA is not required, but preference will be given to current (2018) members.
Please complete the following submission form by December 18 to be a part of the 2018 Junior Scholar Workshop. The LSA workshops have a competitive application process, and those applicants selected as members of the cohort will be informed prior to February 1, 2018.
Applications require:
Application form (produced through registering at the bottom of the LSA's webpage)
A current curriculum vitae
1-2 page letter describing the applicant’s research interests (including an in-progress paper, chapter, or proposal/prospectus, a draft of which they would like to present at the workshop), current status in the applicant’s career stage (i.e., current stage in graduate school, duration of post-doc, year as faculty), and how attending the Workshop will benefit the applicant.
All supporting documents must be submitted in English and be in .DOC, .RTF, or .PDF format.